Behan Alavi

M.A. Student

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I am an international student from Iran. I've been in the US for 8 years. I have a bachelors in Philosophy and Computer Science. I've dedicated many years of my life to STEM, most recently working for 3 years in a technology company. Being dissatisfied with my life and seeing the shortcomings of STEM, I came back to the humanities and am now pursuing a career in philosophy and writing. It is my firmest belief that doing what you love is much more important than chasing money and success.

The Philosophy Department at UNM has an advantage over many other philosophy programs because of its global approach. Our faculty are experts both in Western and non Western philosophy. Most philosophy programs in the US, following the Anglo American tradition, only offer dry analytical logical courses. UNM on the other hand has many experts on Continental and Buddhist philosophy, emphasizing the importance of literature, myth, and many other usually ignored aspects of philosophy.