Wendy Greyeyes, PhD (Dine)

Photo: Wendy Greyeyes

Assistant Professor

Email: greyeyes@unm.edu
Phone: (505) 277-3917
Office: Mesa Vista Hall 3094
Personal Website


Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago, 2016

Research Statement:

Her research is focused on political sociology, organizational analysis, Indigenous education, tribal sovereignty, and Nation Building.


Wendy S. Greyeyes, Ph.D. (Diné) is an Associate Professor of Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico. She will be on sabbatical during the 2023-2024 school year and will be doing a prestigious fellowship at Diné College called the Nídahwiil’aah Fellows Program, funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Dr. Greyeyes formerly worked for the Arizona Governor as a Tribal Liaison for the Arizona Teacher Excellence Program and Homeland Security, a Grassroots Manager for the Indian Self Reliance Initiative in Arizona, a Statistician/Demographer for the Department of Diné Education, a Program Analyst/Chief Implementation Officer for the Bureau of Indian Education, and a research consultant with the Department of Diné Education. She currently is the Navajo representative member and chair for the New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council (IEAC), former President of the Diné Studies Conference, Inc., former President of the American Indian Studies Association (AISA), and faculty advisor for the Kiva Club.

Dr. Greyeyes received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago and B.A. in Native American Studies from Stanford University. Her research is focused on political sociology, organizational analysis, Indigenous education, tribal sovereignty, and Nation Building. Recent publications include her book titled A History of Navajo Education: Disentangling our Sovereign Body (2022) and in October 2023, the The Yazzie Case: Building a Public Education System for Our Indigenous Future, edited by Wendy S. Greyeyes, Lloyd L. Lee and Glenabah Michelle Martinez.

She currently is the Navajo representative member and chair for the New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council (IEAC), former President of the Diné Studies Conference, Inc., former President of the American Indian Studies Association (AISA), and faculty advisor for the Kiva Club. 

Recent/Select Publications:

A History of Navajo Education: Disentangling our Sovereign Body (2022) and in October 2023, the The Yazzie Case: Building a Public Education System for Our Indigenous Future, edited by Wendy S. Greyeyes, Lloyd L. Lee and Glenabah Michelle Martinez.


  • 2023 Ovation Award for Research and Scholarship from the Office of the Vice President
  • 2023 Research and Creative Works Leader Award from the UNM Provost Advisory Review
  • 2023 Faculty Teaching Award from the UNM Alumni Association
  • 2021 Sarah Brown Community Service Award from the University of New Mexico