Summer Academy
A rich, supportive learning environment to create a seamless transfer pathway for students from Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) or our University of New Mexico (UNM) branch campuses (Taos, Gallup, Valencia, or Los Alamos) to our UNM main campus where students develop critical thinking and research skills for academic success in the Humanities.
During Summer Academy, students take 6 credits of upper division (300-level or higher) humanities courses taught by UNM faculty. With grades of "C" or better, the credit hours may be applied to both the AA degree at CNM and the BA degree at UNM. In addition, students are eligible for a stipend per class upon completion of the courses. Lastly, students will have access to graduate student mentors in the humanities for guidance, academic or professional.
June 10th, 2024-June 28, 2024: Southwest Studies in Film
Time: 9:30 am- 1:30 pm, M/W/F, with Fridays being hybrid
CROSS-LISTED: LTAM 400, NATV 450, SPAN 301, AMST 310, CCS 370
Instructors: Irene Vasquez, Ph.D. (Chicana/o Studies) & Jennifer Denetdale, Ph.D. (American Studies)
July 8th, 2024-July 26, 2024: Testimonies of Social Justice
Time: M/W/F 9:00 am-12:00 pm hybrid (F2F and Zoom) and T/TH 9:00 am-12:00 pm remote
CROSS-LISTED: AMST 310, ANTH 340, CCS 393, LTAM 400, SPAN 301
Instructors: Ana Gabriela Hernández-González, Ph.D. (Spanish and Portuguese) & Maia Rodriguez, Ph.D. (Native American Studies)
- 6 credits of upper division courses (300-level or higher) to apply to CNM AA degree and UNM BA degree
- A stipend per class upon completion
- GA mentorship and support
- Developing reading, research, and study skills for higher-level major courses
- Establish relationships with UNM faculty and other campus and community humanities professionals
Application for the Mellon Summer Academy 2024 is closed.